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  • Andy Najjar

When in the DOING never forget to LOVE !

Self Love

Sometimes we get into our zone of doing and moving. We go with the waves of achievement running towards aspects we set our paths to and our hearts on......

The reason I am writing this blog is that recently I had found myself in this mode, a mode of doing. I leaped far and was now running, but I started noticing something I was doing and moving yet I didn't feel complete. It lacked passion, connection and inspiration.........

That same day reaching out to a friend that I have not talked to in a while, I received a message back while she was on a spiritual retreat and recharge in Asia. Her message carried a pure and genuine reminder.

Her words said " it looks like you've got a lot going on. I hope you're managing to get some personal down time and sleep" . They were words of love and care and also a message from the universe.

It was a reminder that sometimes even when we are in our zone pursuing everything under the sun. Let us not forget to love our selves!

I decided a few days later to take time for peace and isolation, I did the things I loved!

  • I watched my favorite show

  • I sat in bed early

  • I listened to my favorite music

And shortly after that because I gave time to me, ideas, words, and passions began to flow! So here I am writing this blog as a result.

When we silence the mind we allow for love and creativity to flow!

So the next time you are in the mode of DOING do not forget to take time to LOVE YOURSELF !

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